How frequently is your office space cleaned? Why is this the number you decided on? Cleaning an office—work environment—is one of the essential steps for maintaining an enjoyable and healthy workplace that thrives. Most people do not recognize how much bacteria can build up in a single, typical day of operations. We follow a very rigid cleaning checklist that ensures we clean your space from top to bottom. For more information on using our janitorial service in NYC, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Part of our cleaning checklist includes:
- We clean all desks and accessories. Someone at a clean workspace is more likely to increase productivity over those sitting at dirty, cluttered desks. It would help if you allowed employees time every week—or other week—to file papers and to tidy their desk. Our team will dust, disinfect, and clean the rest of their space. We also clean phones, mice, keyboards, monitors, and other accessories.
- How frequently are light switches in your place used? Areas that get touched a lot need to be cleaned every day to stop the spread of bacteria.
- A kitchen area in an office is one of the dirtiest places in the workspace. These spaces are hotspots for bacteria and germs.
- Natural light can help make people feel happier, and a dirty window in an office can prevent natural sunlight from easily making its way into the office. We will clean dirt and streaks from glass to ensure an optimal view.
Do not trust your employees to get all your cleaning requirements met. Hire our office cleaning service NYC.
Keeping a Workplace Refrigerator Clean
The workplace refrigerator can be a cesspool of bacteria. Too often food products are left long past their expiration date, which can lead to foul smells emanating from the fridge. Also, spills and leaks from drinks and condiment bottles can result in sticky messes.
Thankfully, these horror stories can be avoided with just a few steps from workers. Below are basic facts that everyone should know about refrigerator maintenance to prevent unnecessary messes.
Make sure that perishable foods are always refrigerated to prevent bacteria growth. Do not leave perishable foods out at room temperature for more than a couple of hours at a time. Are you worried about putting warm food in the fridge because you always heard it was bad? Do not worry about this. Putting warm food in the refrigerator is perfectly acceptable as long as the container cover is slightly cracked until the food is completely cooled.
Never leave leftovers in the workplace refrigerator for more than three days. Leftovers should always be eaten promptly to avoid the growth of bacteria. Have a system in place where workers can label and date food put in the fridge so it does not stay longer than it should.
So, what should you do if there was no upkeep for your fridge and it is a complete mess? Contact an office cleaning service in NYC. Our janitorial services can clean even the messiest of refrigerators in NYC. We will make sure all bacteria has been removed!