Sometimes there’s a difference of opinion, and sometimes one idea is better for literally every reason. This is very much the case when it comes to green cleaning. The best janitorial services NYC has will offer high-quality green cleaning.
Here is why green cleaning is better for an office in NYC. Spoiler alert: they all protect & improve health and save money. Call us for great green office cleaning in NYC.
- Conventional cleaners are toxic. They go into the air, the water, and are transferred to you when you breathe, drink, or touch the surfaces cleaned with them. Green cleaning agents are just as effective and remove the risk of chemical danger.
- Conventional cleaners alter your immediate surrounding environment in ways you won’t like. The chemicals in non-green cleaners alter the chemical nature of whatever it’s used on, especially when there’s any amount of moisture. These chemical changes create smells, corrosion, and environments for new and different infestations.
- Green cleaners protect you and your employees. Sick building syndrome has been well documented for over a decade, and chemical contaminants are a significant contributor. Green products for your office or janitorial staff have a steady record of reducing total sick days taken by staff, so you get all that productivity back.
- You won’t help create super-bugs. Frequent use of hand sanitizer and other broad spectrum bacteria killers are doing more harm than good. Bacteria evolve quickly, and they come back stronger the more you beat them back with chemicals. Green products create a safe, healthy clean without the harsh disinfectants.
- Green cleaning is sustainable. Sustainable products end up being cheaper long term. They’re largely plant-based which makes the resources that make them up very easily reproduced without any chemistry, mining, or international trade.
More and more, people are choosing jobs, cars, restaurants, and clothing based on, at least in part, by how environmentally responsible products and services are.
Janitorial services in NYC for Better Looking Upholstery
When cleaning an office space, upholstery is sometimes overlooked, and that is a bad thing. It is more common to find people cleaning floors, desks, and windows without ever giving thought to the chairs in an office. Think about the amount of time your employees spend sitting at their desks? Then think about the places or things their clothing may have touched. Most who work in offices throughout Manhattan tend to commute via public transportation. All the lousy stuff picked up on pants, shirts, and coats can potentially make a new home in your employee’s chair. Chairs can get dirty, and you should keep them clean because:
Appearance in an office matters— as dirt builds up in a chair, it will begin to have its colors fade. Clean chairs will keep them looking new, which is appealing to any potential client who is in your office.
The health of your employees— mold and bacteria can live in upholstery without anyone knowing it. You do not want your employees to breath this in all day long because it can make them sick and trigger allergy symptoms.
Air quality— keeping upholstery clean will help maintain good air quality in your office. Air will taste fresher, and it will not have a bad odor.
Improve lifespan of upholstery— being diligent with cleaning will ensure that the chair looks better for more extended periods of time. If you intend to use chairs for extended periods of time, you will want to make sure you keep them clean.
For janitorial services in NYC, let us be your first call. Our office cleaning services include upholstery cleaning.